thank you ad leaf
I appreciate your team considering me for this position. I’m eager to learn more about the company, and I’m very grateful for this opportunity.

Client work
Dimercurio Advisors
On the left is a mockup an employee made to show me the basic layout of the "meet your team" flyer they wanted for print and email. On the right is the final version I came up with after about two revisions of going back and fourth with their team. They were very pleased with the timeline and final product! I wanted to make them something that had a little bit of style and fun to it, while maintaining their company branding.
If you have any questions regarding their experience with me, feel free to contact them at jsutton@dimercurioadvisors.com .
long doggers skate team
This project was a fun one to work on! Local business Long Doggers came to me to create a couple graphics for their skate team at Graffiti Skate Zone (GSZ). The team proudly put these stickers everywhere!

Original sketch, made by the client for me to bring to life!

My final adaptation of the client's sketch. This was used for team stickers.

T-shirt graphic for Long Doggers Skate team.

Additional sticker Graphic.

apparel & product design
Product shots of final design for sale on Villon website.

Original wolf design, colors modified for print. This was a rush job with a 48 hour turn around. Client wanted a stylized wolf head with the company name included somewhere.

Some early mockups for a "vintage spooky" inspired design capsule with Villon clothing.

Poster design for Villon capsule.

Apparel design for Nectar Sunglasses. They picked this one from a package of 5 Florida/Beach inspired designs I sent them, and this graphic did well on the online shop.

Original graphic.

Original Bonnaroo Music festival Graphic.

Printed flag design being sold in merch tents across the festival. Design sold out in two days! (they were a hot ticket decoration for all the food trucks).

Graphic design

Video content
Left: A hypothetical animated intro for the TV show “Lucifer”. Made using Illustrator graphics and After Effects. Right: A Mock Old Spice Instagram story ad made out of an original graphic by me. More campaign content for both are located in my portfolio tab.
Left: A looping animation made for the promotion of the “Robot Love” art show for artist Derek Gores. Right: a frame by frame animation of a pro skater doing a trick, made “manually” with paper and edited in After Effects.