Intracoastal Brewing company: Graphic design, creative direction
This collection of work is from my job as creative director of Intracoastal Brewing Company, from 2022-present. My design work includes: label design of packaged craft beers, clothing and merchandise, promo assets for distribution and in-house, social media posts, website maintenance, and assisting the marketing team with strategy. I am always working with our crew at the brewery, as well as collaborative efforts with other breweries and I am the point of contact for all things design related when it comes to our partnerships with Publix, Walmart, etc. Attached below, in order is: craft beer labels, merchandise, social media photos, and video content.
craft beer labels
I Produce 4-6 new labels each month, for in house can releases, distribution, and special events. Each in house release yields about 1000 cans for every label! I have made over 100 labels, but these are some of my favorites!

![CANDYSAVAGEFINAL [Recovered].jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/60667ca513792d47a3bec3f8/20e6d800-bed9-43a0-b84c-ae1aa4a6c316/CANDYSAVAGEFINAL+%5BRecovered%5D.jpeg)

![whitesangriafinal [Recovered].jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/60667ca513792d47a3bec3f8/b6a9e2d6-1225-462e-b987-198e44af8601/whitesangriafinal+%5BRecovered%5D.jpeg)
Clothing and Merchandise

Social Media/Product shots/ETC.
Examples of social media posts to promote new beers, flyers, and misc design work.

video content
I do promotional videos for some of our beers, one is a sillier one to promote a new nitro beer, and the other is a canning process video for one of our collaborations with a river restoration program.